External help

24 hrs availability
Health Number1450
Physician on duty (at night, on weekends)141
Telephone Counseling/Telefonseelsorge142
Psychiatric Immediate Help01 31 330
Women’s emergency helpline Vienna01 71 719
Women’s helpline against violence/Frauenhelpline0800 222 555
Men’s helpline/Männernotruf (German only)0800 246 247
Männerinfo0720 70 44 00
Restricted availability
Crisis Intervention Center01 406 95 95
Men’s Counseling Center Vienna01 603 28 28
Türkis Rosa Lila Tipp LGBTQIA+ Counseling01 586 81 50
ZARA Civil courage and anti-racism work01 929 13 99
Ombud for Equal Treatment0800 206 119
Psychological Counseling for (PhD) students01 402 30 91

This pdf also lists emergency contacts and was provided by our EAP provider.